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SUMIYA Fast Hand Master ft Unexpected Blademail | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #326
Pianist's Super Fast Hand vs Magnus Techies Combo | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #2034
SUMIYA Fast Hand "Scripter" & Lotus Orb Plays | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #1064
SUMIYA Funny 1v5 Escape & Fail Plays | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #330
The reason behind SUMIYA Fast Hand | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #488
Fast Hand & Sunstrike Combo with SEA Toxic Teammate | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #1414
Invoker Super Hard Game! Outplayed by PA Juke | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #1565
SUMIYA Invoker Absolutely Unexpected Ending | Sumiya Facecam Stream Moment #332
He thinks SUMIYA is a hacker | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #1461
SUMIYA destroy High Winrate Spammer with Crazy Bait | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #918
The NEXT LEVEL Plays By Sumiya | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #1066
SUPER FAST HAND Melt The Invoker | Sumiya Invoker Stream Moment #2273